It is a requirement for all future nuclear stations in the U.K. that they can be shut down safely in the event of an earthquake.
The AGR reactor core structures have been mathematically modelled using non‐linear techniques which are implemented in the three‐dimensional computer code AGRCOR. Experimental verification of the code has already been determined for a simple one‐dimensional row of graphite brick slices.
This paper discusses the correlation of experimental results with analytical predictions for the dynamic response of a two‐dimensional array of 18 graphite brick slices. The moving structure was excited in a single axis by a common rigid restraint structure in either a sine sweep or dwell mode at constant acceleration. In the paper, descriptions are given of (1) the numerical method; (2) the initial theoretical validation of AGRCOR; (3) the analytical and experimental models; (4) statistical methods used for correlation of results; and (5) the sensitivity of various parameters which control the response of the structure.
The comparisons of experimental absolute brick velocities and interbrick shear forces with the analytical predictions were generally in good agreement. Also the resonant frequencies and instability regions of the brick responses were determined both experimentally and analytically.