A micromachined electro-thermal gripper, first introduced by Ivanova et al. (Microelectron Eng 83:1393-1395, represents a promising candidate for the manipulation and handling of micro or even nano-scaled objects. To further optimize the performance of the device, a detailed electrical and mechanical characterization is needed. Due to the so-called duo-action gripper approach (i.e., a separate actuator for closing and opening action) these investigations focused on the maximum (minimum) opening width being 11.5 lm (3.3 lm), while in rest position a value of 4 lm is feasible. The maximum, electrical input power is limited to 80 mW/actuator element, resulting in a current density of up to 1.27 MA cm -2 in the corresponding metal layers. When applying, however, larger current densities the probability of device failure increases substantially as in combination with an enhanced temperature of about 200°C electromigration effects occur in the metallization. Furthermore, the cut-off frequency and parasitic effects during actuation such as the z-deflection and the increase in length of each arm both showing values of up to 3 lm have been investigated as a function of operation parameters. Finally, the tips of the gripper were sharpened using Focused Ion Beam technique to a radius of less than 1 lm for gripping operations in space-restricted environments or for the manipulation or handling of sub-lm scaled objects.