Integrated circuits to support digital communication standards are commonly based on a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of some length. Flexible length makes the design more usable for configurable algorithm-specific circuits. The proposed project discusses the functional aspects of a FFT design. As the transform length increases the amount of arithmetic involved becomes excessive. This makes Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to one of today's most important tools in digital signal processing, as it enables the efficient transformation between time and frequency domain. Over the last decade, researches have been done on how to transmit the data using OFDM transmission over selective channels. The proposed project will show how the FFT is better adapted to the requirements in the application of OFDM at the frequency of 160 MHz. The simulation results show the output of each butterfly by enabling cosimulation of the butterfly outputs using VHDL. The simulation results also show the transmission of data through OFDM technique using FFT implementation. The Synthesizing and implementation (i.e. Translate, Map and Place and Route) of the code is carried out on Xilinx -Project Navigator, ISE 8.2i suite. By this project we have to show the lossless transmission of information.
Keywords: OFDM, FFT, VHDL
I. INTRODUCTIONThe main challenging areas in VLSI are performance, speed, cost, and power dissipation [1]. The demand for portable computing devices and communications system are increasing rapidly. These applications require high frequency modules in VLSI circuits. Hence it is important aspect to optimize the frequency during processing. That's why frequency optimization is one of the main challenges. FFT algorithms are so commonly employed to compute DFTs that the term "FFT" is often used to mean "DFT" in colloquial settings. Formally, there is a clear distinction: "DFT" refers to a mathematical transformation or function, regardless of how it is computed, whereas "FFT" refers to a specific family of algorithms for computing DFTs [2][3][4]. The OFDM technique is easier to understand and implement, and the sub-channels can be independently adapting in other ways than varying equalization coefficients, such as switching between different QAM constellation patterns and error-correction schemes to match individual sub-channel noise and interference characteristics. Some of the sub-carriers in some of the OFDM symbols may carry pilot signals for measurement of the channel conditions. Pilot signals and training symbols may also be used for time synchronization and frequency synchronization. OFDM was initially used for wire, and stationary wireless communications. However with increasing number of applications operating in highly mobile environment, the possibility of using OFDM for such purpose is also investigated. Over the last decade, several researches have been done on how to equalize OFDM transmission over doubly selective channels. The proposed project will show how the FFT is better adapted to the requirements in the...