Kendari is one of the cities in Southeast Sulawesi that has a potential for abundance of fish resources. That's why there are so many fisheries ships that will be allocated to the area. But the large number of refusal of the aid vessel needs to be carried out studies related to the design of aid ships that are in accordance with local wisdom so that the intended aid vessels can be accepted by fishermen. The objectives of this study are (1) To describe the existing conditions of the light fishing vessel fleet in Southeast Sulawesi (2) Estimate the level of stability of light fishing vessels in Southeast Sulawesi. The data was collected using a survey method by collecting observational and measurement data on the fishing vessel, the shape and main dimensions of the ship. The data processing used is numerical equations, then the data analysis was done using a numerical and descriptive comparison method. Maxsurf licensed software was used in this method. The feasibility of a ship's sea is reviewed by looking at its stability capability, motion resistance and rolling period. In the ship design group in Southeast Sulawesi, namely handline ships with light fishing, there are 3 parts, namely vessels with large, medium and small groups. Of the three groups, all bow-shaped high designs are raked bow landai which indicates that the shape of the ship there is uniform in terms of the height of the ship's bow. The design also has a different longitudinal cross section, namely double pointed for groups of vessels with small and transom for large and medium size. Based on the simulation results, the ship with a medium has the best stability value between the two types of large and small groups. Based on the ability of motion detainees, ships with a medium group size have the greatest value of resistance because for boats with handline fishing equipment do not require speed because of the type of passive fishing gear. Based on the rolling period value of ships with medium, large and small group having values according to requirements according to FAO, 1996, namely TR=4.5-7.0 seconds. The longitudinal strength in superior fishing boat design research can be convincing to recipient fishermen that fiberglass material already in accordance with the rules. The results of the study show that the Hand Line 5 GT ships were chosen by fishermen to be selected as aid vessels.