Generating power through the wind mills is very common and essential now-a-days. In wind mills, designing a proper Condition Monitoring System is a difficult task. The main objective of this paper is a) to monitor the parameters like generator current, temperature, voltage, vibration, turbine speed in wind mills b) to detect fault in the temperature sensor and in the storage unit c) to control the parameters such as speed, temperature, current through LabVIEW. Basically, signal parameters will be detected by sensor units and conditioned with the help of Signal Conditioning Unit (SCU). Generally most of the signals will be analogies, and so it"s not convenient to process it further to the PIC Microcontroller. In order to do that, an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) to be used for digital conversion and the PIC microcontroller has In-Built with ADC. Then, the controller will process those data and sends the appropriate output signal to Personal Computer (PC). Thus the information such as the temperature sensor fault, battery/storage unit fault, fault current etc is received and stored in the PC. The controller is interfaced to the PC through LabVIEW using Ethernet. The measured parameters is displayed through LabVIEW and based upon the data, the faults are rectified. The sequential monitoring of the data is possible through the LabVIEW and any variations that have to be made to maintain the stability of the control system is done with the help of Ethernet at any time. The Ethernet is the advanced communication link that enables us the faster transmission. This paper prevents the replacement of the Microcontroller every time an error occurs as done before and also reduces the total number of Microcontrollers used.