Smart home technology implementation remains an essential aspect of Internet of Things (IoT). It provides needed living support and convenience for elderly people in society. Despite the remarkable achievements in smart home monitoring technology studies, a systematic literature review (SLR) on smart home technology implementation is lacking. There is a limited number of SLR studies on smart home monitoring technology. Therefore, the current study assesses the literature to collect the evidence regarding studies on smart home monitoring technology implantation. An SLR method involving a manual search was applied to review the articles published from January 2010 to December 2019. To carefully classify these articles accordingly, we applied certain quality assessment criteria. Out of 73 relevant primary studies, only 3% were identified to have applied comprehensive SLR guidelines. Seven percent of the relevant studies were identified to have applied the SLR guidelines in a strongly moderately acceptable manner, but they were not completely comprehensive, whereas 8% of the primary studies applied the SLR guideline in a fairly acceptable manner. This manuscript therefore encourages researchers working on SLR studies on smart home technology to apply comprehensive SLR guidelines that takes into account the quality standard. INDEX TERMS Internet of Things, smart home technology, elderly people, systematic literature review, monitoring technologies.