Road hauling accidents involving hauling trucks are the highest contributor to coal mine accidents in Indonesia. More than 20 percent of accidents related to coal mining occur on hauling roads. PT X is an open-pit coal mining company that transports coal for processing using hauling trucks. At this company, coal hauling truck accidents also result in the highest number of fatal incidents. During the 2010-2015 period, 11 fatal accidents were reported, and hauling trucks were involved in 45 percent of the accidents. These fatal accidents resulted in the operators' deaths and also caused financial losses because of the subsequent needs to repair equipment and to disrupt production processes. The purpose of the present study was to identify the causes of Meanwhile, the use of mobile phones while driving was related to the monotony of work, the lack of an open radio channel and personal reasons. To reduce fatal accidents involving coal hauling trucks, we suggest to the management of PT X that the work shifts of operators be appropriately managed. A rotating shifts schedule should be implemented, and rest periods should be encouraged during shifts to avoid operator fatigue and decreased operator alertness during day shifts. Finally, we suggest the implementation of further regulations to prohibit the use of mobile phones while driving.