ln order to characterize measles virus (MV} infection in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), RNA was isolated from PBMCs after PHA-stimulation for 72 hr of 9 patients with acute measles, 16 patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), 13 patients with various autoimmune diseases, and 16 healthy control donors. The RNA obtained was screened for the presence of MV N (nucleocapsid) gene specific transcripts of either positive or negative orientation in a S 1 nuclease protection assay. The sensitivity of this assay allowed us to detect one infected cell in 20,000 PBMCs or 0.1 to 0.05 copies of MV-specific RNA per cell. Using single-stranded DNA or RNA probes expression of MV genomic RNA of negative polarity could be detected in only one case of acute measles and one healthy control donor. Conversely, N-specific transcripts of positive polarity, indicating active transcription, could only be detected in patients with acute measles. ln addition, in infected PBMCs andin a persistently MV-infected B cellline positive stranded N-specific transcripts containing Ieader usually present at very low frequency have been found in relatively increased amounts in comparison with transcripts lacking Ieader. Whereas the ratio of these RNA species du ring lytic infection with MV in Vero cells is about 1:50, the ratio found here ranges from 1:3 to 1:10. This altered ratio indicates a specific regulation of MV specific transcription in cells of lymphoid origin that has not been found in any Other cell system analyzed.