This study aims to analyze the ability of Zakat Management Organizations to utilize technology in supporting transaction activities as well as reporting ZISWAF fund management as a strategy in increasing payments and distribution of ZISWAF funds. The object of this study is the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Makassar, representing an institution established by the government, and Dompet Dhuafa of South Sulawesi, as one of the institutions established by the community. This study is a qualitative study using a case study approach. Data consist of primary data obtained by conducting direct interviews with informants, and secondary data obtained through observation of the website or application of each organization. This study found that in Dompet Dhuafa of South Sulawesi, the use of IT is maximized by trying to reach millennials, considering that they tend to be more receptive to the use of IT as they found it easy to use. Meanwhile, at BAZNAS of Makassar, the use of IT is maximized on their applications that comply with PSAK 109 concerning Zakat and Infaq/Alms Accounting, considering the muzakki in BAZNAS are mostly either eldery or government emlpoyees that really concern about the perceived of usefulness of the technology. As a case study, this study is expected to be able to contribute to other organization and the government by providing a comprehensive picture of what should be done in maximizing the use of IT as a strategy to increase the number of ZISWAF payments in Indonesia, in order to empower the people's economic, especially in the current era of the Covid-19 pandemic.