“…Variations in DE values result in maltodextrins with varying physico-chemical properties: solubility, hydroscopicity, osmolality and their effectiveness to reduce the freezing point increase with increasing DE, while viscosity, cohesiveness and coarse-crystal prevention increase as DE decreases [23,24]. Maltodextrins were used as chiral selectors for enantiomeric separations by capillary zone electrophoresis [21,22,[25][26][27][28][29], and they were also used for the design of enantioselective, potentiometric membrane electrodes [19,[30][31][32][33]. Although, the HPLC *Address correspondence to this author at the Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB Bucharest, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, 202 Splaiul Independentei Str., 060021, Bucharest, Romania; Tel: +40751507779; E-mail: iustinavanstaden@yahoo.com (standard method) method, and fluorescence based method are highly used for biomedical analysis, they cannot always be high reliable especially for urine samples, when the complexity of the sample is very high.…”