The tear film is a nourishing, lubricating and protecting layer that bathes the ocular surface. It is continuously replenished through cycles of production and elimination via evaporation, absorption and drainage. These processes are often referred to as tear film dynamics. Osmolality is an objective clinical measurement that provides insight into the balance of these complex tear film dynamics. Balanced tear production and elimination is vital for tear film integrity, stability and normal osmolality. Imbalances cause alterations of the tear film structure and composition, ultimately leading to tear film instability and measurable tear film hyperosmolality. Elevated tear film osmolality is considered a core mechanism in dry eye, forming the basis of dry eye symptoms and leading to ocular surface damage. Despite its immense potential in the diagnosis of dry eye, tear film osmolality is not commonly assessed. This review will focus on the current knowledge of tear film dynamics and tear film osmolality. The pre-ocular tear film is the outermost layer of the eye and is of critical importance to the health of the ocular surface. A continuous cycle of production, evaporation, absorption and drainage leads to a dynamic equilibrium in the pre-ocular tear film. Tear film osmolality or tear saltiness can be considered a consequence of these various factors in tear film dynamics.1 Homeostatic balance leads to tear film stability, enabling the tear film to fulfil its vital functions such as lubrication, nourishment and protection of the ocular surface.2,3 Homeostatic imbalance causes alteration of the tear film structure and composition, ultimately leading to tear film instability and tear film hyperosmolality.2 Measurement of tear film osmolality has been suggested as a gold standard in the diagnosis of dry eyes as elevated tear film osmolality is considered a core mechanism in symptoms and ocular surface damage in dry eye. 2,4,5 Despite its immense potential in the diagnosis of dry eye, measurement of tear film osmolality has not been amenable to in-office use and is largely confined to use in research. Newly available technology might increase its uptake by clinicians. This review focuses on the current knowledge of tear film dynamics and the relevance and clinical implications of tear film osmolality.
TEAR FILM STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONThe classical description of the tear film is a three-layered structure, with a predominant aqueous phase, a superficial thin oily layer, which interfaces with the environment, and a deep mucous layer at the base. 6,7 The thickness of the tear film was originally estimated to be 4 to 8 mm, with the aqueous layer being the thickest