Photoelectron peak areas are measured using various background removal methods. Linear, horizontal, Shirley's and Tougaard's backgrounds have been tested on many spectra for different pass energies in the spectrometer. These four values, obtained for each photoelectron line, are compared together and it is shown that the first three methods give proportional results. These values are then compared to theoretical intensities for five elements (Au, Ag, Cu, Ni, Cr) and one oxide (A1203). These theoretical calculations are based on the knowledge of the spectrometer transmission, photoionization cross-sections and inelastic mean free path, the product of which is commonly called the relative sensitivity factor. The best agreement is obtained when Tougaard's background is removed.
INTRODUCTIONQuantitative surface analysis by XPS requires photoelectron intensities measurements. These intensities are usually connected to peak areas on n(E) spectra and these values are then used, with relative sensitivity factors, to calculate surface concentrations in routine spectral analysis.Before peak area measurement, the inelastic background should be removed. Therefore, the value obtained for intensity will depend upon the method used for this removal. Since several background subtraction processes exist, several values are available for one peak area so that the quantification with relative sensitivity factors that are published in the literature will not be reliable. Actually, relative sensitivity factors are either determined experimentally or calculated with photoionization cross-sections, inelastic mean free path and the spectrometer transmission function. In the former case, the exact method used for background removal is rarely known; in the latter case, it is necessary to know how to measure the accurate area in relation with this theoretical intensity. This explains why a recent quantitative XPS analysis round robin on Au-Cu alloys' has shown that the use of relative sensitivity factors is not a reliable method for quantitative surface analysis.
EXPERIMENTALFive metals of high purity are used for this study: Au, Ag, Cu, Ni and Cr. Before measurements, the surface (1 an2) is cleaned with Ar ions at an energy of 4 keV, until carbon and oxygen peaks are less than -1% of the main peak. Spectra are then acquired with A1 Ka radiation without a monochromator. To avoid problems relating to the absolute intensities from one sample to another, Au 4f is systematically acquired between each spectrum.Besides these five elements, we have tested the stoichiometry determination by XPS on an a-alumina (001) 0142-242