Cadastral systems are most often a geo-information system that ensures the accumulation and storage of typical information, for example, the state land cadastre is a single state geo-information system of information about lands located within the state border of Ukraine, their purpose, restrictions on their use, as well as data on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of lands, their assessment, on the distribution of lands between owners and users, on land reclamation networks and constituent parts of land reclamation networks But the use of standard cadastres does not allow solving a wide range of complex tasks related to information about land, real estate, water resources, etc., therefore, it conditions the development of conceptual provisions for the creation of an integrated intelligent cadastral system. Modern cadastres solve a narrow range of typical tasks, mainly providing the user with up-to-date information for solving private typical tasks. An attempt to integrate separate cadastral systems and the development of special programs that support decision-making by users (stakeholders) in various spheres of human activity will lead to a synergistic effect and the creation of collective artificial intelligence. This work formulates the problem of creating an information management system based on the methods of geomatics, as well as the methods and concepts of V. I. Vernadskyi's teaching. In our opinion, the weakening of the contradictions of the formulated problem lies in the way of creating a theoretical and methodological base, which should take into account the features of spatially distributed information modelling, as well as the creation of knowledge models in the field of geodesy and land management. The authors of this article are convinced that a new methodological paradigm of V. I. Vernadskyi's teaching is currently being formed. This belief is based on the great possibilities of modern information technologies, the development of modern geodetic instrumentation, as well as the results of modelling objects that require both high-precision measurements and soft calculations and linguistic assessments. The land cadastral information and management system should include executive and management subsystems and take into account the features of spatially distributed information modelling, as well as the creation of knowledge models in the field of geodesy and land management.
Keywords: state land cadastre, geoinformation system, geomatics, information management system, cadastral data.