Abstract-This paper develops a more precise analytical model for calculating salient pole synchronous machine (SPSM) inductances in case of general eccentricity including static, dynamic and mixed eccentricities. The developed method is based on the modified winding function approach (MWFA) which accurately considers variable air gap function and leads to pure analytical expressions of inductances. Available analytical techniques, based on MWFA, approximate the air gap function and simplify the geometrical model of SPSM, whereas, in this study, the influence of the openings between the rotor salient poles has been taken into account by using an effective form of rotor pole shoes. Using this technique, flux fringing effect is considered. By taking into account machine geometry, type of windings connection and flux fringing effect, this method is able to model most of the important features of an eccentric SPSM. The developed analytical expressions can calculate time varying inductances of SPSMs with any eccentricity type and degree in the frame of a single program. Simulation results for static eccentricity are compared with experimental tests on a laboratory generator to verify accuracy of the proposed model.