The "Geotechnologies and the Environment" series is intended to provide specialists in the geotechnologies and academics who utilize these technologies, with an opportunity to share novel approaches, present interesting (sometimes counter-intuitive) case studies, and most importantly to situate GIS, remote sensing, GPS, the internet, new technologies, and methodological advances in a real world context. In doing so, the books in the series will be inherently applied and reflect the rich variety of research performed by geographers and allied professionals.Beyond the applied nature of many of the papers and individual contributions, the series interrogates the dynamic relationship between nature and society. For this reason, many contributors focus on human-environment interactions. The series are not limited to an interpretation of the environment as nature per se. Rather, the series "places" people and social forces in context and thus explore the many sociospatial environments humans construct for themselves as they settle the landscape. Consequently, contributions will use geotechnologies to examine both urban and rural landscapes.