The aim of this work was to determine whether reductive acetogenesis can provide an alternative to methanogenesis in the rumen. Gnotobiotic lambs were inoculated with a functional rumen microbiota lacking methanogens and reared to maturity on a fibrous diet. Lambs with a methanogen-free rumen grew well, and the feed intake and ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations for lambs lacking ruminal methanogens were lower but not markedly dissimilar from those for conventional lambs reared on the same diet. A high population density (10 7 to 10 8 cells g ؊1 ) of ruminal acetogens slowly developed in methanogen-free lambs. Sulfate-and fumarate-reducing bacteria were present, but their population densities were highly variable. In methanogen-free lambs, the hydrogen capture from fermentation was low (28 to 46%) in comparison with that in lambs containing ruminal methanogens (>90%). Reductive acetogenesis was not a significant part of ruminal fermentation in conventional lambs but contributed 21 to 25% to the fermentation in methanogen-free meroxenic animals. Ruminal H 2 utilization was lower in lambs lacking ruminal methanogens, but when a methanogen-free lamb was inoculated with a methanogen, the ruminal H 2 utilization was similar to that in conventional lambs. H 2 utilization in lambs containing a normal ruminal microflora was age dependent and increased with the animal age. The animal age effect was less marked in lambs lacking ruminal methanogens. Addition of fumarate to rumen contents from methanogen-free lambs increased H 2 utilization. These findings provide the first evidence from animal studies that reductive acetogens can sustain a functional rumen and replace methanogens as a sink for H 2 in the rumen.Methane (CH 4 ) eructated from ruminants represents a loss of 8 to 13% of the digestible energy ingested by the animal (71) and contributes to global warming. The amount of methane produced by ruminants varies with the farming system, the nature of the feed, the feeding level, the feed digestibility, and the animal species (6,67,71). The annual production of methane by ruminants, estimated to be 80 to 120 ϫ 10 6 tons or approximately 15% of total anthropogenic methane emissions (16,63), is the second largest biogenic source of methane after rice paddy fields. Decreasing methane emissions from ruminant livestock is desirable in order to both reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and improve energy capture during digestion.Nutritionists have been trying for a long time to mitigate rumen methane emissions in order to enhance animal performance but so far have not been successful. The methods most commonly attempted involve utilization of antibiotics and ionophores (58), halogenated methane analogues (20,37,59), heavy metals (70), lipid-rich materials such as coconut oil (21,26,54,55,56), probiotics (58), bacteriocin (47), and numerous chemicals (1, 4). Immunization against methanogens (79), elimination of ciliate protozoans which support methanogen populations (64), and addition of acetogenic bacteria to rume...