“…In light of the identi®cation of SIPs as alkaline a-gals, representatives from at least ®ve plant families are now shown to have both alkaline and acid a-gals (Graminae (barley, SIP: M77475, acid: Y13848), Leguminoseae (Cicer, SIP: X95875, acid: Mittal and Sharma, 1991), Cucurbitaceae (melon, alkaline: this paper, acid: Solanaceae (tomato, SIP: TC94379, acid : Feurtado et al, 2001) and Cruciferae (Arabidopsis, SIPs: AAC83062, CAB66109, acid: CAB87430)). It is thus likely that the coexistence of both acid and alkaline a-gals will not be found to be an uncommon occurrence in the plant kingdom, analogous to the concomittant presence of acid and alkaline invertase.…”