The tectorial membrane (TM) clearly plays a mechanical role in stimulating cochlear sensory receptors, but the presence of fixed charge in TM constituents suggests that electromechanical properties also may be important. Here, we measure the fixed charge density of the TM and show that this density of fixed charge is sufficient to affect mechanical properties and to generate electrokinetic motions. In particular, alternating currents applied to the middle and marginal zones of isolated TM segments evoke motions at audio frequencies (1-1,000 Hz). Electrically evoked motions are nanometer scaled (∼5-900 nm), decrease with increasing stimulus frequency, and scale linearly over a broad range of electric field amplitudes (0.05-20 kV/m). These findings show that the mammalian TM is highly charged and suggest the importance of a unique TM electrokinetic mechanism.cochlear amplification | cochlear mechanics | mechanoelectrical transduction | motility T he mammalian cochlea is a remarkable sensor capable of detecting and analyzing sounds that generate subatomic vibrations (1). This extraordinary sensing property depends on mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) of cochlear hair cells (2, 3), which are functionally classified as inner and outer hair cells (OHCs). Both types of hair cells project stereociliary hair bundles from their apical surface toward an overlying extracellular matrix called the tectorial membrane (TM). Because of its strategic position above the hair bundles, the TM is believed to play a critical role in bundle deflection. Recently, genetic studies confirmed the importance of the TM in hair cell stimulation by highlighting how mutations of TM proteins cause severe hearing deficits, even when the TM and its structural attachments appear to be normal under electron microscopy (4-8).Despite significant evidence establishing the importance of the TM in normal cochlear function, relatively little is known about the TM's basic physicochemical properties and mechanistic role. Historically, models of cochlear function have represented the TM as a stiff lever with a compliant hinge, as a resonant mass-spring system, or as an inertial body (9-16). However, these models exclude important phenomena, such as longitudinal coupling (17)(18)(19)(20), and assume that only mechanical properties of the TM are important. It now is clear that the TM is a biphasic poroelastic tissue (21), which manifests longitudinal coupling in the form of traveling waves (18)(19)(20).Furthermore, TM macromolecules comprise not only mechanical constituents (21-26) such as collagen fibrils, but also charged constituents such as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which might affect mechanical properties (Fig. 1) (27-35). GAGs in the TM carry sulfate (SO 3 − ) and carboxyl (COO − ) charge groups, which are fully ionized at physiological pH and neutralized at acidic pH values (pKs between 2 and 4) (27). In contrast, the net charge on TM collagen constituents is small at physiological pH because the net charge of amino (NH 3 + ) and carboxyl groups is z...