Background and aims:The most common mechanisms of the knee injuries are distorsions and contusions. Fairly often they will result in hemarthrosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluace the fi ndings in patiens with acute traumatic hemarthrosis of the knee and based on these fi ndings estimate the necessity of acute artroscopic examination with therapeutic procedur. Results: The ruptures of the ACL were the most common fi ndings (52 %), meniscal tear (27 %), dislocation of the patella (11 %) and chondral or subchondral fractures were (13 %). In 224 (84 %) cases was performed artroscopic therapeutic procedure and in only 43 (16 %) case was performed routine arthroscopic examination. Conclusions: Based on our fi ndings we believe that arthroscopic examination is necessary in patiens with acute traumatic haemarthrosis of the knee and it is better methods like NMR examination because is provided to execute therapeutic procedure (Tab. 1, Fig. 2 Knee contusion and distorsion are the most frequent injury mechanisms in sporting and unsporting activities. Pain, swelling and tension sanguine knee exudate is rising in few hours after acute knee injury. Traumatic knee haemarthrosis presents diagnostic diffi culty in acute injury stage, it limits knee investigation and it should be disabled because of the pain. Nowadays, patient with acute knee haemarthrosis should be defi nitely admitted on Orthopaedic or Trauma Surgery Department.The most frequent knee haemartrosis causations (except X-ray verifi ed intraarticular fractures) are: anterior cruciate ligament rupture, meniscus rupture, patella luxation, collateral medial ligament rupture, chondral or osteochondral fractures and capsular tears.Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) opens new chances in acute knee injury diagnostic. Intraarticular or extraarticular knee lesions are not only NMR benefi ts. On the other side there is a problem of NMR availability and waiting period for this examination.Arthroscopy (ASC) is gold standard diagnostic method for intraarticular knee injury. Naturally, ASC has disadvantages, such as invasivity (risk of surgery) and this method can not verify associated extraarticular injuries, which NMR can. The arthroscopy is method of choice in patients with acute knee haemarthrosis, regarding to its good availability and exact intraarticular injury diagnostic possibilities in conjuction with clinical examination in general anaesthesia.
MethodsFrom January 2007 to December 2009 267 injured knees were treated in 266 patients with acute knee haemarthrosis in our department. One patient had injured both knees. 121 patients underwent acute knee arthroscopy till 24 hours from injury, 87 patients till 48 hours and in 58 patients till 72 hours from injury. Patients with patella fractures, femoral or tibial condyl fractures except intercondylar eminence were excluded from this study.151 men and 115 women were treated in our patient fi le. Mean age of our patients was 33 yeas (17-81 years). Out-patients with acute knee haemarthrosis were promptly admit...