Substituted acene derivatives are regarded as promising materials for organic electronic devices such as organicl ight-emitting diodes (OLEDs). In particular, anthracene derivatives are known to exhibit good fluorescence property,w ith the air stabilitya nd solubility in common organic solvents expectedt og ive advantages for solution-processed device fabrication.I nt his study,aseries of bistriisopropylsilyl(TIPS)ethynyla nthracened erivatives with azaacene-containing iptycene wings have been synthesized by using condensation reactions. Effects of size of azaacenes on opticalp roperties and packing structures were investigated.UV/Vis absorption and fluorescence spectra indicatet hat the p-elongation of iptycene units has small effects on the overall p-system,w hich is also supported by electrochemical measurements. Secondly,s ingle-crystal X-ray analysisi mplies that the molecules likely have interactions with the iptycene units of adjacent molecules,w hile the iptycene wings and TIPSethynyl groups can prevent the central anthracene unit from undesirable non-radiative energyl oss. Finally,t he most emissive derivative was used as ad opant for solution-pro-cessedO LEDs, showingo bvious electroluminescence with a luminance of over 920 cd m À2 .Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.