The basal ganglia (BG) is composed of several heavily interconnected nuclei at the base of the cerebrum. A series of anatomically distinct parallel circuits through the BG receive afferent projections from and project back to cortical regions that mediate skeletomotor, oculomotor, frontal associative, and limbic functions. All circuits share a common intrinsic organization captured largely by the heuristic model of direct and indirect pathways that link BG input stations to outputs. Activation of the direct pathway may facilitate movement whereas the indirect pathway may suppress movement. Neuromodulators such as dopamine have different effects on activity and synaptic plasticity in the two pathways. Clinical disorders that involve the BG are often associated with movement disorders. Although the actual roles of the BG in the control of movement are still actively debated, growing evidence suggests it acts as a reinforcement‐driven tutor for learning automatic behavioural routines.
Key concepts
The BG is organized as anatomically segregated loop circuits that contribute to the control of movement, cognition and motivation.
All BG circuits share a common basic organization.
Input projections from cortex and thalamus terminate as excitatory synapses in the striatum and subthalamic nucleus.
Output projections tonically inhibit target neurons in thalamic and brainstem nuclei.
Direct and indirect pathways connect input and output nuclei of the BG.
Activation of the direct pathway facilitates movement whereas activation of the indirect pathway suppresses movement.
A variety of neuromodulators, such as dopamine, affect the activity of neurons in the direct and indirect pathways differently.
Most BG‐related clinical conditions (e.g. Parkinson disease) arise from imbalanced activation of direct and indirect pathways and involve abnormal discharge patterns in BG output neurons.
BG circuits may regulate how an animal allocates time and effort to movements and actions and act as a tutor for new skill learning.