“…CHROMOSOME CONFIGURATIONS which suggest subchromatid involvement have been described after the irradiation of dividing cells by several investigators (Nebel, 1937;Swanson, 1943Swanson, , 1947Conger, 1947;Rees, 1953;La Cour andRutishauser, 1953, 1954;Crouse, 1954;Sax and King, 1955;Sax, 1957;Davidson, 1957). They occur in both mitotic and meiotic cells and have been found also in untreated material (Brock, 1955 ;Walters, 1955) as well as after certain chemical treatments (Avanzi, 1950;Oehlkers and Marquardt, 1950;Deufel, 1951 ;D'Amato and D'Amato-Avanzi, 1954;Davidson, 19.57). Perhaps the most diagnostic configuration so far reported is the peculiar 2-side-arm bridge such as described bv Crouse (1954) following x-ray treatment of Lilium anthers at first meiotic metaphase.…”