Ah omologouslyi somorphous series of compounds can allow determinationo fl ocal contributions to crystal properties. Historically,m elting points have contributed little to structuralt heory,b ut those of as eries of longchain diacylp eroxides allow the measurement of localized structural contributions to solid-state thermodynamics, and demonstrate that ab romines ubstituent at al amellar interface can make negative contributions to both the enthalpy and entropy of fusion, thus acting more "liquid-like" when in the crystal than when in the melt. We discuss how Istanbul, and opposition to Hitler, led FriedrichB reusch and his studentst om easure at least 1242 accurate melting points, and how this legacy may prove valuable in understanding crystalline solids, especially those that show odd-even melting-point alternation.Keywords: Friedrich Breusch · history of science · interfaces · isomorphism · odd-even melting-point alternation[a] J.