This chapter focuses on vibration energy harvesting using electrostatic converters. It synthesizes the various works carried out on electrostatic devices, from concepts, models and up to prototypes, and covers both standard (electret-free) and electret-based electrostatic vibration energy harvesters (VEH).After introducing the general concept of Vibration Energy Harvesting and the global advantages and drawbacks of electrostatic devices to convert mechanical power into electricity ( §1), we present in details the conversion principles of electret-free and electret-based electrostatic converters and equations that rule them in §2. An overview of electrostatic VEH, comparing the results from several laboratories (powers, sizes, concepts…) is provided in §3. In §4, we introduce several power management circuits dedicated to electrostatic VEH. These circuits are extremely important as they are the only way to turn VEH output powers into viable supply sources for electronic devices (sensors, microcontrollers, RF chips…). Assessments, limits and perspectives of electrostatic VEH are then presented in §5.