The understanding of the satisfaction of wine consumers and the reasons why it is consumed presents a challenge, since there is not much research on this subject. For this reason, a consumer satisfaction survey was carried out to observe the relevant and determinant attributes related to the reasons why they drink wine. A total of 300 consumers, between 21 and 88 years old, were interviewed in the city of Cascavel, in the state of Paraná. It was noted that 57.67% of consumers reported as “important” or “very important” the fact that wine contributes to the prevention of heart diseases, a determining attribute when choosing wine, regardless of the side dishes. About 55% of the interviewees considered the fact that the wine is aromatic and fruity as “important” or “very important”. On the attribute indicating that wine is good to forget the problems, only 14.34% of consumers consider it “important” or “very important” at the time of the choice. The item response theory was observed to be an important tool to evaluate the level of satisfaction of wine consumers.