Fix a Dedekind domain O and a non-zero prime p in it along with a uniformizer π. In the first part of the paper, we construct m-shifted π-typical Witt vectors Wmn(B) for any O algebra B of length m + n + 1. They are a generalization of the usual π-typical Witt vectors. Along with it we construct a lift of Frobenius, called the lateral Frobenius F : Wmn(B) → W m(n−1) (B) and show that it satisfies a natural identity with the usual Frobenius map. Now given a group scheme G defined over Spec R, where R is an O-algebra with a fixed π-derivation δ on it, one naturally considers the n-th arithmetic jet space J n G whose points are the Witt ring valued points of G. This leads to a natural projection map of group schemes u : J m+n G → J m G. Let N mn G denote the kernel of u. Then in the case when G is an affine group scheme, we show that the lateral Frobenius F turns the system of schemes {N mn G} ∞ n=1 into a prolongation sequence. One of our main results then prove that for n ≥ 1, N mn G is naturally isomorphic to J n−1 (N m1 G) as group schemes. Hence this implies that for any π-formal group scheme Ĝ over Spf R, N mn Ĝ is isomorphic to J n−1 (N m1 G). As an application, if Ĝ is a smooth commutative π-formal group scheme of dimension d and R is of characteristic 0 whose ramification is bounded above by p − 2, then our result implies that J n G is a canonical extension of Ĝ by (W n−1 ) d where W n−1 is the π-formal group scheme Ân endowed with the group law of addition of Witt vectors. Our results also give a geometric characterization of G(π n+1 R) which is the subgroup of points of G(R) that reduces to identity under the modulo π n+1 map.