“…In the last few years, several studies have been carried out, improving the knowledge of the endocranial morphology of several non‐mammaliaform therapsids through digital reconstruction of the endocast as follows: the biarmosuchian Lemurosaurus (Benoit, Fernandez, Manger, & Rubidge, ); the dinocephalian Moschops (Benoit, Manger, Norton, Fernandez, & Rubidge, ); the dicynodonts Pristerodon (Laaß, ), Diictodon (Laaß, Schillinger, & Kaestner, ), Kawingasaurus (Laaß & Kaestner, ), and Niassodon (Castanhinha et al, ); the gorgonopsian Cynariops (Bendel, Kammerer, Kardjilov, Fernandez, & Fröbisch, ); the early non‐mammaliaform cynodont Galesaurus (Pusch, Kammerer, & Fröbisch, ), and the prozostrodontid non‐mammaliaform cynodonts Riograndia (Rodrigues et al, ) and Brasilodon (Rodrigues, Ruf, & Schultz, ).…”