Digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs) are currently used widely in communications. However, conventionally used DPLLs have narrow locking ranges and long acquisition times. Although various types of DPLLs capable of overcoming these problems have been proposed, most of the DPLLs proposed have complicated circuit structures without significantly improved locking ranges. This paper proposes a new broadband DPLL with simple circuit configuration, a very wide locking range and fast acquisition time. To implement a wide locking range, the DPLL uses a fractional frequency divider that eliminates frequency error by changing the highspeed clock according to the input frequency. After eliminating frequency error, the DPLL adjusts the phase of both the input and output signals by resetting the frequency divider in order to implement a fast acquisition time. This eliminates initial phase error.In addition, this system has a very simple configuration; only a fractional frequency divider is added to the simplest conventional binary quantized DPLL. The proposed DPLL is very practical because of its very wide initial locking range and the fact that the design of the DPLL does not depend on the system requirement as is the case with a conventional DPLL.