Spectral clustering is a celebrated algorithm that partitions objects based on pairwise similarity information. While this approach has been successfully applied to a variety of domains, it comes with limitations. The reason is that there are many other applications in which only multi-way similarity measures are available. This motivates us to explore the multi-way measurement setting. In this work, we develop two algorithms intended for such setting: Hypergraph Spectral Clustering (HSC) and Hypergraph Spectral Clustering with Local Refinement (HSCLR). Our main contribution lies in performance analysis of the poly-time algorithms under a random hypergraph model, which we name the weighted stochastic block model, in which objects and multi-way measures are modeled as nodes and weights of hyperedges, respectively. Denoting by n the number of nodes, our analysis reveals the following: (1) HSC outputs a partition which is better than a random guess if the sum of edge weights (to be explained later) is Ω(n); (2) HSC outputs a partition which coincides with the hidden partition except for a vanishing fraction of nodes if the sum of edge weights is ω(n); and (3) HSCLR exactly recovers the hidden partition if the sum of edge weights is on the order of n log n. Our results improve upon the state of the arts recently established under the model and they firstly settle the order-wise optimal results for the binary edge weight case. Moreover, we show that our results lead to efficient sketching algorithms for subspace clustering, a computer vision application. Lastly, we show that HSCLR achieves the information-theoretic limits for a special yet practically relevant model, thereby showing no computational barrier for the case.