The structures and bonding properties of La(N 2 ) x (x = 1-8) complexes were investigated by density functional theory (DFT) computations using the B3LYP exchange-correlation functional in conjunction with a quasi-relativistic pseudopotential for La. The quality of the DFT electronic structures was confirmed in selected cases by relativistic multireference calculations using CASPT2 theory. From the end-on and side-on dinitrogen coordination modes in general, the structures with end-on coordination were found to be the more stable. The first coordination sphere of the complexes is filled by eight and six N 2 ligands in the end-on and side-on type species, respectively. The main bonding interaction is the donation of La 5d valence electrons to anti-bonding orbitals of N 2 resulting in characteristic elongation of the NN bonds. These directional interactions determine the (from steric point of view in several cases less logic) equilibrium molecular structures. The charge transfer resulted in partial charges up to 1.5 e of the originally neutral components (La, N 2 ) leading to electrostatic attractive interactions which compose the minor contribution in the bonding.Very recently, Zhao et al. studied the whole lanthanide series of Ln(N 2 ) molecules using the mPW3PBE hybrid exchange-correlation functional in conjunction with quasirelativistic 4f-in-valence pseudopotentials for the lanthanides and 6-31G* basis set for nitrogen [29]. The covered molecular properties were the geometries, HOMO-LUMO energy gaps, and magnetic and electronic properties. These calculations predicted the end-on 4 La(N 2 ) structure to be favoured by 47 kJ/mol over 2 La(N 2 ) with a side-on structure. From the bonding properties, the π-type HOMO orbital and the atomic charges were presented.Teng and Xu performed DFT calculations using the BP86 and B3LYP functionals in order to assist the interpretation of the matrix-isolation IR spectra of the reaction products formed by laser-ablated La co-deposited with N 2 [23]. In the spectra, several species were identified and their electronic structures, dissociation energies and vibrational data were reported. On the basis of isotope experiments and computed data, the authors concluded on the dominant presence of end-on 4 La(N 2 ) in the argon matrix.The only theoretical study on complexes of a lanthanide atom with more than one N 2 ligands is an early SCF/3-21G computational study of holmium complexes by Ermilov et al.[30] using a 4f-in-valence pseudopotential [31] for Ho. Beyond the low-quality computational level, this study has also other limitations: only quartet spin multiplicity and complexes up to six N 2 ligands were considered. However, the small energy difference between the quartet and sextet Ho [32] may readily be overcompensated by N 2 bonding, particularly in the larger complexes. Therefore, the sextet Ho(N 2 ) x species should not be neglected. (Note that Zhao et al., in contrast, studied only the sextet HoN 2 [29].) Most striking is, however, the instability of HoN 2 at the SCF/3-21G l...