The kinetic and thermodynamic properties of adsorption and desorption of Sb onto a Si͑111͒ surface are analyzed by mass spectrometry and ab initio calculations. Two domains of temperature are evidenced. At T Ͻ 600°C there is an irreversible adsorption involving a subtle competition between sticking, adsorption, then dissociation of Sb 4 tetramers associated to a partial reflection of Sb 4 molecules on the Sb-covered surface. At T Ͼ 800°C, Sb 4 molecules are dissociated close to the surface leading to a simple reversible adsorption/ desorption of Sb monomers. In this temperature range, adsorption/desorption isotherms can be recorded for various temperatures, which reveal a surprising behavior since quasi-Langmuir isotherms appear to be the consequence of a two-dimensional ͑2D͒ phase transition. More precisely, as shown by ab initio calculations, during the submonolayer adsorption process, the adsorption site evolves ͑as a function of coverage͒ from ternary towards on-top position and the character of the Sb-Sb effective interactions changes from repulsive towards attractive. The 2D phase transition close to Ϸ 0.7 ML seems to be associated to characteristic signatures in many other experiments. Then for high enough supersaturations, it is possible to overpass =1 ML by the formation of dimers, first partially located on top sites which repel one another, up to a second phase transition around = 1.3 ML in which dimers leave the on top sites and stand up to occupy almost vertically the hollow ones for building the second Sb layer. Lastly surfactant effect is quantified.