The purpose of this study was to investigate male adult' appearance management behavior according to objectified body consciousness. The subjects were 648 male adults aged from 20 to 59 and measuring instruments consisted of objectified body consciousness, appearance management behavior, and subjects' demographics attributions. The data were analyzed by Cronbach's α, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multiple response analysis, cross tabs analysis, χ 2 test, and t-test. The results were as follows. First, 3 dimensions (body shame, body surveillance, and control belief) were emerged on objectified body consciousness, and subjects were divided into 2 groups (objectified group, and non-objectified group) by this variable. Second, male adults were deeply aware of the need of appearance management, and showed the high level of intention to perform appearance management behavior. Third, objectified group showed much more active appearance management behavior than non-objectified group. This results concluded that objectified body consciousness is a very useful variable to understand male adult' appearance management behavior.