Tujuan kegiatan bimbingan teknis pengolahan jerami padi menjadi pakan sapi potong pada musim kemarau di lahan kering untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan merubah sikap milenial calon pengusaha sapi potong peserta bimbingan teknis agar mau dan mampu mengolah jerami padi sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi kesulitan penyediaan pakan sapi potong yang terbatas pada musim kemarau di lahan kering. Metode bimbingan teknis yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut adalah kombinasi metode penyuluhan gelar teknologi (showcase technology), tatap muka langsung dan penyebaran lembaran informasi (liptan). Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap peserta bintek pada kelima indikator penilaian teknologi pembuatan hay rata-rata 26,91%; pembuatan amoniasi basah meningkat 29,31% dan pembuatan amoniasi kering meningkat 25,47%. Simpulannya kegiatan bimbingan teknis pengolahan jerami padi menjadi pakan sapi potong dengan metode gelar teknologi pembuatan hay, amoniasi basah dan amoniasi kering mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta merubah sikap peserta bimbingan teknis dalam menyebarluaskan hasil binteknya kepada peternak lainnya, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi kesulitan penyedian pakan sapi potong pada musim kemarau di lahan kering.
Technical Guidance for Processing Rice Straw into Beef Cattle Feed during the Dry Season on Dry Land
The aims of the technical guidance activity for processing rice straw into beef cattle feed in the dry season on dry land is to increase knowledge, and skills and change the attitude of millennial prospective beef cattle entrepreneurs participating in technical guidance so that they are willing and able to process rice straw as a solution to overcome difficulties in providing beef cattle feed that limited to the dry season on dry land. The technical guidance method used to solve the problem is a combination of face-to-face counseling methods with showcase technology and the distribution of information sheets. The results of this study showed an average increase in knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the participants in the five indicators of haymaking technology assessment of 26.91%; the manufacture of wet ammonia increased by 29.31%, and the manufacture of dry ammonia by 25.47%. In conclusion, the technology guidance activities for rice straw processing with the showcase technology method of making hay, wet ammonia, and dry ammonia can be used as a solution to overcome the difficulties of providing beef cattle feed in the dry season on dry land because it can increase knowledge and skills and change the attitude of participants in technical guidance in disseminating the results of their technical guidance to other farmers.