1022-1022Ambiente & Água -An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science ISSN 1980-993X -doi:10.4136/1980 The following list (Table 1) includes the names and affiliations of all reviewers that evaluated the submissions processed for Volume 11, 2016 of Revista Ambiente & Água, including manuscripts that were accepted and published in one of the four annual issues and also manuscripts submitted and rejected in 2016 up to October 10, 2016. It may therefore include the names of reviewers that completed their evaluations between September, 2015 and October, 2016. We are deeply indebted to all of them that voluntarily and anonymously spent their precious time to support the journal, and contributed immensely to the quality of the published articles. We gratefully acknowledge their professional work and outstanding product. Note: 1) Some of these reviewers evaluated more than one manuscript; 2) This list includes reviewers that evaluated submissions that were not accepted for publication, in addition to the ones published in 2016.As seen in Table 2, 21 reviewers are from international institutions. This is an indication that the journal is gaining international acceptance and inclusion.
ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the reverse logistics of empty agrochemical containers, the partners involved, and it focuses on the participation of the Agricultural Defense Agency of the São Paulo state government in reducing the risk of water and soil contamination in order to preserve these resources for future generations. O sistema de logística reversa e o papel da fiscalização governamental para a preservação do solo e da água: o caso das embalagens vazias de defensivos agrícolas RESUMO Este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar como a logística reversa das embalagens vazias de agrotóxicos funciona, quais são os parceiros envolvidos, focando na participação da Defesa Agropecuária do governo do Estado de São Paulo, na redução dos riscos de contaminação de água e solo, com o objetivo de preservar estes recursos para as gerações futuras.Palavras-chave: agricultura, agrotóxico, contaminação ambiental.
DISCUSSIONConsidered a regulatory landmark in 1989, a Brazilian federal law first demonstrated the country's concern with the handling and disposal of pesticide containers. Previously, most of the focus was on pesticide efficiency and most of the containers were made of glass, not of plastic as they are today. The environment was still not considered an important concern, and even today Brazil is the largest consumer of pesticides worldwide. The correct handling and disposal of pesticide containers is therefore of primary importance in public policy. Brazil's Federal Laws 7802 (Brazil, 1989), 9974 (Brazil, 2000 and Decree 4074 (Brazil, 2002) regulate the obligation to return empty pesticide containers to retailers or producers. In 2010, reverse logistics was defined by Federal Law 12305 (Brazil, 2010), which created the National Policy on Solid Waste. According to this law, reverse logistics can be understood as a set of actions...