Uncertainty from renewable energy and loads is one of the major challenges for stable grid operation. Various approaches have been explored to remedy these uncertainties. In this paper, we design centralized or decentralized statefeedback controllers for generators while considering worst-case uncertainty. Specifically, this paper introduces the notion of L∞ robust control and stability for uncertain power networks. Uncertain and nonlinear differential algebraic equation model of the network is presented. The model includes unknown disturbances from renewables and loads. Given an operating point, the linearized state-space presentation is given. Then, the notion of L∞ robust control and stability is discussed, resulting in a nonconvex optimization routine that yields a state feedback gain mitigating the impact of disturbances. The developed routine includes explicit input-bound constraints on generators' inputs and a measure of the worst-case disturbance. The feedback control architecture can be centralized, distributed, or decentralized. Algorithms based on successive convex approximations are then given to address the nonconvexity. Case studies are presented showcasing the performance of the L∞ controllers in comparison with automatic generation control and H∞ control methods.