A B S T R A C TExcitation functions have been measured for the formati011 of Cdl'jm, Cd115g, and Ag115g produced in the fission of natural uranium induced by protons of energies 8 to 60 Mev. The isomer yield ratio for Cd"5m,g was found to increase with increasing proton bombarding energy over the range 20 to 60 Mev in contrast to the published results for the deuteron fission of uranium, for which a mi~limuin was found.
I N T R O D U C T I O NHigh-energy fission studies leading to nuclear isorrlers have been mostly concerned with the yields of Cdlljm and Cd1'5g. Hicks and Gilbert (1) measured the ratio of isomer cross sections c,/cg, for the deuteron fission of U238 from 50 to 150 Mev, whilst Sharp and Pappas (2) illeasured the same ratio for deuterons of energy 10 t o 25 Rlev. Their combined results show a striking minimum a t 25 to 50 34ev in the energy dependence of u,/ug. Unfortunately the energy range a t which this minimum occurs is inaccessible to the present deuteron accelerators, lying above the range of the C.F. cyclotrons and below that a t which large F.RI. machines can be operated conveniently. Sharp and Pappas suggested -that it would be of interest to see whether a similar minimum is obtained in proton fission with one of the 10-100 R'lev proton cyclotrons which can bridge the energy gap. Munzel (3) has since measured Cdl1jrn,g isomer yield ratios for the a-particle fission of U238 over the energy range 25 to 45 RIev and reports a less pronounced minimum.have examined the reaction U238(p, f)Cdlljm g using the R'lcGill synchrocyclotron to provide protons of energies between 8 and 60 Ylev. At the same time, by including a monitor for the proton beam in the target assembly, it was possible to measure the formation cross sections of Cdnjrn, Cd1I5g, and that of t h e precursor Ag115g.The decay scheme of the mass 115 fission product chain was taken to be: