The effects of nitrite, sorbate and combinations of these two ingredients plus salt on the number of aerobic microorganisms in chicken white and dark meat patties were examined. All patties were stored at 4-5°C for 12 days. Nitrite concentrations of 400 and 2500 ppm were effective in preventing bacterial growth in chicken white meat patties while 2500 ppm was required to prevent growth in dark meat. A reduction in bacterial growth (4-10 days) was demonstrated with 100 and 150 ppm nitrite in chicken white meat patties. Four hundred ppm nitrite reduced bacterial growth in dark meat patties for 6 days. In white meat patties, the use of sorbate (0.26%) in combination with nitrite (40 ppm) was as effective in reducing bacterial growth as higher concentrations of nitrite, salt (2.5%) alone or in combination with sorbate (0.26%) or nitrite (40 ppm) inhibited bacterial growth in both white and dark meat patties during the first 4-6 days of storage.