e author's long research career on noxious arthropods has been focused on clarifying the onset mechanism of dermatitis caused by arthropods and investigating the current situation of arthropod-related cutaneous disorders. is report presents four ndings from the author's research. First, dermatitis caused by Arna pseudoconspersa larvae is the result of an immediate or delayed allergic reaction to toxic substances in the venomous spicules. Second, when feeding on a host's blood, bed bugs use their mouthpart to pierce the host's skin in several locations, so patients with bed bug bites present with a characteristic, irregularly patterned rash. ird, a study on tick bites in Hyogo Prefecture showed that about 80% of bites were due to Amblyomma testudinarium. e study also found that tick-associated rash illness manifesting in erythema with diameters of at least 50 mm is seen in about 14% of patients with tick bites, and this illness is considered to be caused by an allergic reaction to salivary gland substances of the tick. Fourth, a study by the author revealed that the prevalence of Japanese spotted fever has been increasing in the Rokko Mountain area in recent years and that some ticks from this mountain range carry Rickettsia japonica infection.