1. The degree of homology between ribosomal RNA isolated from microplasmodia and amoebae of the slime mould Physarum polycephalum has been determined by competitive hybridisation of the RNA from the two sources to homologous DNA in solution. The extent of competition was measured both by hybridisation to saturation and by following the kinetics of hybrid formation.In each case competition was found to be 100 %, indicating that the ribosomal RNAs from the two, quite different vegetative forms of the organism exhibit a high degree of homology and are probably transcribed from the same genes.2. The relationship between the amount of nuclear DNA that codes for ribosomal RNA (rDNA) and ploidy has been investigated in three strains of P. polycephalum which exhibit a 1 : 2 : 5 variation in the amount of DNA per nucleus. Ribosomal RNA saturation values were determined by hybridisation to DNA isolated from prophase nuclei of plasmodia. The proportion of rDNA was found to be constant at 0.16-0.18% of the total genome in the three strains.The genes coding for ribosomal RNA in the slime mould Physarum polycephalum have been shown to be located in the nucleolus by cell fractionation [l], light microscopic autoradiography [2] and electron microscopic autoradiography [3]. Unlike bulk DNA, rDNA is replicated throughout the mitotic cycle [l, 4,5] with the exception of the first hour after mitosis [l]. Measurements of the amount of rDNA have varied from 0.1 % to 1.3 % [5,6,41] of the nuclear DNA.In this paper we have applied RNA-DNA hybridisation techniques to investigate the following two basic questions concerning rDNA in P. polycephalum. a) Are the same genes involved in rRNA transcription in the plasmodia1 and the amoeba1 stages of the life cycle? b) Does ploidy have any effect on rRNA gene dosage in plasmodia?The latter question has been investigated in several other organisms. Species of the genus Nicotiana have Abbreviations. rDNA, that fraction of DNA which codes for rRNA; standard saline citrate, 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate, 5 mM EDTA, pH 7.0; Napi, equimolar mixture of NaH,P04 and Na2HP04, e.g. 0.24 M Napi is equivalent to 0.12 M NaH2P04, 0.12 M Na,HPO,; T,, the mean temperature of dissociation measured optically; Tm,i, the mean temperature of strand separation.Enzymes. Ribonuclease TI (EC; ribonuclease A (EC; a-amylase(EC; fi-amylase (EC; pronase (EC + similar absolute numbers of rRNA genes despite a two-fold variation in chromosome number [7]. On the other hand, in a polyploid series of plants (haploid to hexaploid) of Datura innoxia produced by culture of pollen grains in vitro, the proportion of rDNA has been shown to be constant [8]. Investigations of this kind, however, are only strictly meaningful if either (a) the proportion of rDNA is constant throughout the cell cycle, i.e. bulk DNA and rDNA are replicated at the same time, or (b) determinations of gene dosage are carried out at a fixed point in the cell cycle necessitating synchronous cultu...