The "Mental Spiritual Development" program was initiated by STT REAL Batam and GBI Windsor House of Glory. This coaching program is a routine program of STT REAL Batam to carry out the threefold missions of higher education, which is the first program/pilot project in collaboration with GBI Windsor Square House of Glory which is committed to the field of Mental Spiritual Development of Christian Inmates in Child Correctional Institutions Batam. It is hoped that this coaching program, can support government programs in rehabilitative, corrective, and educative services to the inmates and take part in building the values of life so that they can equip the inmates spiritually so that they can carry out their roles as good and good citizens of society. useful. This coaching program itself is a mentoring movement to improve the quality of piety to God Almighty, intellectual, professional attitudes and behaviour, physical and spiritual health of the inmates. Furthermore, coaching is expected so that they are able to improve themselves and do not repeat the crimes that have been committed.AbstrakProgram “Mental Spiritual Development” ini digagas oleh STT REAL Batam dan GBI Windsor House of Glory. Program pembinaan ini merupakan program rutin STT REAL Batam untuk mengemban tridharma perguruan tinggi yang merupakan program/pilot project pertama bekerjasama dengan GBI Windsor Square House of Glory yang berkomitmen pada bidang Pembinaan Mental Spiritual Narapidana Kristen di Lembaga Pembinaan Anak Kelas II Batam. Diharapkan program pembinaan ini, dapat mendukung program pemerintah dalam pelayanan rehabilitatif, korektif, dan edukatif kepada warga binaan serta ikut membangun nilai-nilai kehidupan sehingga dapat membekali warga binaan secara spiritual agar dapat menjalankan perannya dengan baik. dan warga masyarakat yang baik. berguna. Program pembinaan ini sendiri merupakan gerakan pendampingan untuk meningkatkan kualitas ketakwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, intelektual, sikap dan perilaku profesional, kesehatan jasmani dan rohani warga binaan. Selanjutnya diharapkan pembinaan agar mereka mampu memperbaiki diri dan tidak mengulangi kejahatan yang telah dilakukan.