A review of experimental and theoretical studies of the threshold photoionization of the heavier rare-gas atoms is presented, with particular emphasis on the autoionization resonances in the spectral region between the lowest two ionization thresholds (mp 5 2 P 3/2 and mp 5 2 P 1/2 , with m = 2, 3, 4, and 5 for Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, respectively). Observed trends in the positions, widths, and shapes of the autoionization resonances in dependence of the atomic number, the principal quantum number n, the orbital angular momentum quantum number and further quantum numbers such as K, J and F specifying the fine-and hyperfine-structure levels, are summarized and discussed in the light of ab initio and multichannel quantum defect theory calculations. The dependence of the photoionization spectra on the initially prepared neutral state, e.g. the 1 S 0 ground state, the mp 5 (m + 1)s 3 P 2 and mp 5 (m + 1)s 3 P 0 metastable levels and other states prepared from the ground or metastable levels in single-and multiphoton processes, are also discussed, including results on the photoionization of aligned and oriented samples and on photoelectron angular distributions. The effects of various approximations in the theoretical treatment of photoionization in these systems are analysed. The very large and at first sight discouraging diversity of observed phenomena and the numerous anomalies in spectral structures associated with the threshold ionization of the rare-gas atoms can be described in terms of a limited set of interactions and dynamical processes. Examples are provided illustrating characteristic aspects of the photoionization, and sets of recommended parameters describing the energy-level structure and photoionization dynamics of the rare-gas atoms are presented which were extracted in a critical analysis of the very large body of experimental and theoretical data available on these systems in the literature.