The Finnish Wind Atlas was prepared applying the mesoscale model AROME with 2.5 km horizontal resolution and the diagnostic downscaling method Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Programme (WAsP) with 250 m resolution. The latter was applied for areas most favourable for wind power production: a 30 km wide coastal/offshore zone, highlands, large lakes and large fields. The methodology included several novel aspects: (i) a climatologically representative period of real 48 months during 1989-2007 was simulated with the mesoscale model; (ii) in addition, the windiest and calmest months were simulated; (iii) the results were calculated separately for each month and for sectors 30°wide; (iv) the WAsP calculations were based on the mesoscale model outputs; (v) in addition to point measurements, also radar wind data were applied for the validation of the mesoscale model results; (vi) the parameterization method for gust factor was extended to be applicable at higher altitudes; and (vii) the dissemination of the Wind Atlas was based on new technical solutions. The AROME results were calculated for the heights of 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300 and 400 m, and the WAsP results for the heights of 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 m. In addition to the wind speed, the results included the values of the Weibull distribution parameters, the gust factor, wind power content and the potential power production, which was calculated for three turbine sizes. The Wind Atlas data are available for each grid point and can be downloaded free of charge from dynamic maps at Production of the Finnish Wind Atlas B. Tammelin et al.Accordingly, a strong need arose for a more accurate wind atlas. In Finland, the size of the country, its complex terrain and large seasonal differences generate strong demands for a wind atlas. The complexity of the terrain is not so much related to orography but to the complex shape of the almost flat coastline and archipelago, which generates a need for very high spatial resolution. Further, the differences in wind conditions between seasons are particularly large because in winter, the sea and lakes are frozen and the ground is covered by snow, which changes the surface roughness and stabilizes the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Stable stratification favours the generation of low-level jets. 4 In winter, wind power plants are also subject to ice accretion. The production of a new Wind Atlas for Finland has also been motivated by the need to evaluate the possible effects of climate change on wind conditions. In 2008, the Ministry of Labour and Economics released an international tender for production of the new Finnish Wind Atlas. The tender was won by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), with Risø DTU and Vaisala Ltd as subcontractors. The project started 1 June 2008, and the wind atlas was released 25 November 2009 ( national wind atlases have recently been produced applying numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. In an ideal approach, all possible weather condition...