The transistorless technology, quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) becomes one of the potential candidates of nanotechnology for signal processing circuits because of its ultra-low power requirement, high frequency of operation, extreme-low area requirement, and short channel effect (SCEs) immune at nanoscale circuits. Quasi-adiabatic switching of QCA makes its data transfer faster. This work reports faster, smaller, and low-power, 4-to-2 and 8-to-3 encoder, and priority encoder circuits designed on QCA platform. Both of these encoders and priority encoders are widely used circuits for communication to encode the data. These circuits are realized using three-input majority gates, five-input majority gates, and co-planar clock zone-based crossover technique. The proposed circuits show the improvement in performance in terms of cell count, area requirement, delay, quantum cost, and energy dissipation as compared to the existing circuits. The cell count and the area requirement of the proposed circuits have been magnificently lowered as compared to the recent literature. Moreover, these circuits also require 75% lesser clock periods than the existing literature, thus demonstrate lower latency. This work shows the way for future exploration of QCA-based encoder circuits.