Abstract:In order to meet the demand for mass production of 77 GHz automotive radar systems, a low cost and high performance 38/77 GHz AlGaAs/InGaAs PHEMT MMIC transmit amplifier with a multiplier has been realized. The chip is packaged in an inexpensive conventional non-hermetic package. Excellent power performance is demonstrated with a 15 dBm output power and 7 dB maximum conversion gain from 38 to 76.5 GHz. Also, highly reliable RF operation of a bare MMIC chip is obtained with less than 0.7 dB reduction in output power during 10 6 hr at V d = 4 V and T a = 25 • C in air. Keywords: PHEMT, reliability, MMIC, humidity, automotive radar systems, non-hermetic package Classification: Electron devices, circuits, and systems
References[1] S. Sugitani, T. Ishii, and M. Tokumitsu, "Three-dimensional interconnect with excellent moisture resistance for low-cost MMICs," IEEE Trans. Adv.