Transpiration (E) is regulated over short time periods by stomatal conductance (G s ) and over multi-year periods by treeand stand-structural factors such as leaf area, height and density, with upper limits ultimately set by climate. We tested the hypothesis that tree structure, stand structure and G s together regulate E per ground area (E g ) within climatic limits using three sites located across a steep climatic gradient: a low-elevation Juniperus woodland, a mid-elevation Pinus forest and a high-elevation Picea forest. We measured leaf area : sapwood area ratio (A l : A s ), height and ecosystem sapwood area : ground area ratio (A s : A g ) to assess long-term structural adjustments, tree-ring carbon isotope ratios (υ 13 C) to assess seasonal gas exchange, and whole-tree E and G s to assess short-term regulation. We used a hydraulic model based on Darcy's law to interpret the interactive regulation of G s and E g . Common allometric dependencies were found only in the relationship of sapwood area to diameter for pine and spruce; there were strong site differences for allometric relationships of sapwood area to basal area, A l : A s and A s : A g . On a sapwood area basis, E decreased with increasing elevation, but this pattern was reversed when E was scaled to the crown using A l : A s . E g was controlled largely by A s : A g , and both E g and G s declined from high-to low-elevation sites. Observation-model comparisons of E g , G s and υ 13 C were strongest using the hydraulic model parameterized with precipitation, vapour pressure deficit, A l : A s , height, and A s : A g , supporting the concept that climate, G s , tree-and stand-structure interact to regulate E g .