This papea• presents a m0l:111ts. The proposed MPCC for TPFSC follows the curren! references with ga-eal accuracy, whereas the switching fe quency ofthe insul:1ted-g:1le bipol:ir 11":msislor (IGBTs) is fixed :md low, This method minimizes the cun•enl 1-eference trncking error, :md its fost response m:1kes it 1mit:1ble ÍOI º the power take-olT sys tems present in wave enet•gy converlers. Furthermore, the system featm-es a fost c;1pacitor volt:1ge offset sup1>1-ession control The dy n:1111ic pet•fonn:mce :md the voltage offset control of the proposed slmteg�• for TPl•SC feeding :1 SPMSG is evalu:1ted in the Simulink ean-ironment. Late.-, ex perimental studies :11-e c:m•ied out on :m 8.7 kW l:1bor:1tory SPMSG prototype. l• in:1lly, the capability of the 1>roposed meth01:ml emul:1tor.