The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the development of corporate sukuk in Indonesia. The data used are monthly data for 2013-2016 macroeconomic variables, crude oil price, conventional banking loans, interest rate spread, sharia banking assets, outstanding Indonesian corporate bonds, market value of sharia stock market capitalization, and standard deviation the Jakarta Interbank Offered Rate (JIBOR). In this study using time series data analysis, namely Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) which is a development and complements the weaknesses of the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive influence on world crude oil prices, the development of corporate bonds, and Islamic banking assets on the development of corporate sukuk. In addition, sharia stock market capitalization, interest rate spread, and market interest rate volatility negatively impact the development of corporate sukuk. These results indicate an increase in demand and supply in corporate sukuk in Indonesia. This study found a complementary relationship between corporate bonds and Islamic banking on the development of corporate sukuk so that synergy and coordination of stakeholders is expected, namely the government, industry players, companies and related parties.