I would like to thank Jan Hausen and Felix Köster for proofreading this manuscript, countless scientific discussions, and enjoyable lunch and coffee breaks. I also thank Ulrike Wieland for the final proofreading of this thesis. Many thanks go to all the other current and former members of the AG Lüdge, among them especially André Röhm, Lina Jaurigue, David Schicke, Christoph Redlich, Larissa Bauer, and Roland Aust, for being supportive and providing a friendly work environment. Moreover, I would like to thank Andrea Schulze for promptly solving all arising bureaucratic issues. I would like to thank Stefan Breuer, Christoph Weber, and Dominik Auth for our fruitful experimentaltheoretical collaboration on the mode-locked three-section quantum-dot laser, the many discussions on mode-locking, and the ongoing exchange of ideas. I would like to thank Dominik Waldburger, Cesare Alfieri and Ursula Keller for our experimental-theoretical collaboration on the V-shaped semiconductor laser and the in-depth discussion of the estimation and interpretation of the timing jitter in passively mode-locked lasers. I am grateful for the support provided by the SFB787 and the 'School of Nanophotonics', which have offered many interesting seminars and workshops and allowed me to participate in multiple scientific conferences. Finally, I would like to thank Uwe Bandelow for taking the time to be the external reviewer on the examining board for this thesis.