Response functions Ax(t)By(0) for one-dimensional strongly correlated quantum many-body systems can be computed with matrix product state (MPS) techniques. Especially, when one is interested in spectral functions or dynamic structure factors of translation-invariant systems, the response for some range |x − y| < is needed. We demonstrate how the number of required time-evolution runs can be reduced substantially: (a) If finite-system simulations are employed, the number of time-evolution runs can be reduced from to 2 √ . (b) To go beyond, one can employ infinite MPS (iMPS) such that two evolution runs suffice. To this purpose, iMPS that are heterogeneous only around the causal cone of the perturbation are evolved in time, i.e., the simulation is done with infinite boundary conditions. Computing overlaps of these states, spatially shifted relative to each other, yields the response functions for all distances |x−y|. As a specific application, we compute the dynamic structure factor for ground states of bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chains with very high resolution and explain the underlying low-energy physics. To determine the initial uniform iMPS for such simulations, infinite-system density-matrix renormalization group (iDMRG) can be employed. We discuss that, depending on the system and chosen bond dimension, iDMRG with a cell size nc may converge to a non-trivial limit cycle of length m. This then corresponds to an iMPS with an enlarged unit cell of size mnc. arXiv:1804.09163v2 [cond-mat.str-el]