Introduction. Due to the prevalence of dysphagia in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and its complications such as aspiration pneumonia, which is the main cause of death in these patients, PD-related disability can be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia.
Objective. The present study was aimed at investigating the frequency of dysphagia in PD patients.
Materials and methods. This cross-sectional study included 150 PD patients visiting a Neurology Clinic. The severity of PD was determined based on the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and modified Hoen and Yahr (HYS) Scale. The Munich Dysphagia Test-Parkinson's disease (MDT-PD) questionnaire was used to assess dysphagia. Comparisons were made using generalized Fisher exact, Chi-square, ANOVA, and KruskalWallis tests. Predictive factors were analyzed using logistic regression. Statistical analyses were performed at significance level of 0.05.
Results. Out of all 150 patients referred to the Clinic, the prevalence of dysphagia requiring attention was 25.3% (n = 38). The patients of the three groups according to the MDT-PD (no noticeable dysphagia, noticeable oropharyngeal, and dysphagia with aspiration risk) had a significant difference only in terms of the PD duration (p 0.001). In the predicting of dysphagia, the longer PD duration (p = 0.011) and homemaker occupation (p = 0.033) were protective factors, while female gender was a risk factor (p = 0.011).
Conclusion. The prevalence of dysphagia requiring attention in the studied patients was 25.3%. It decreased with the longer duration of the disease, and its prevalence was lower in homemaker patients, while the odds of dysphagia was 5.8 times higher in women than in men.